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The House of Flow ∞ Advice for Artists 

Guidance for Artists and Creatives looking for help or inspiration…

Creativity and The Artist Dilemma, Part 2 – Cultural Conditioning

Creativity and The Artist Dilemma, Part 2 – Cultural Conditioning

Following this topic of the Artist Dilemma from part 1 – in talking about beliefs that are limiting: another culture-born belief that seems to run rampant among creatives is the idea that we must try to obtain as much information as possible and then rationally figure out how to traverse our mountain of creativity obstacles – which usually appear to come from a lack of support from the culture,...

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Help with Depression – The Creative Solution

Help with Depression – The Creative Solution

Help with Depression With our current global virus situation and the rise of unrest in many parts of the world, it seems a good time to address our psychological maladies. History has it that human beings started as a hunter-gatherer species, often having confined ourselves within four walls. But since Winter/Spring of 2020 most of us have spent a lot of time in quarantine, and this has started...

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Creativity Workshops   •   Meditation page


All of the Advice for Artists content on this blog is based on the author’s life long experiences as a visual and performing artist. If you are an artist of any kind – an actor or writer or musician, dancer, painter, photographer, etc. – all of the free advice for artists content here will help you with your art career. Or if you’re just wanting to up your art game, it will give you the inspiration, motivation, and practical know-how to achieve your creative goals.

For further guidance you can visit the artist coaching page.

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