by Wei-wu Wei | Apr 25, 2023 | Advice for Creatives, Making a Living as an Artist
Insights from Successful Artists It’s a mad world out there, especially if you’re an artist trying to navigate the tumultuous waters of today’s art scene. Gone are the days when simply creating beautiful, technically proficient work was enough...
by Douglas Paul Smith | Feb 25, 2023 | Advice for Creatives, Making a Living as an Artist, The Artist’s Dilemma, Uncategorized
7 Ways to Stay Financially Afloat While Pursuing Your Art Dreams. I think this goes without saying: the vast majority of people inclined to pursue their creative passions will inevitably encounter financial challenges. Whether you’re a writer, painter,...
by Douglas Paul Smith | Sep 3, 2020 | Advice for Creatives, Making a Living as an Artist
To Become, or Not to Become, a Social Media Guru to Sell Your Art I am tired of seeing people spouting on about how you can sell your art by doing this marketing plan or doing that social media strategy, or making videos of yourself creating your art and...
by Douglas Paul Smith | Jun 20, 2020 | Making a Living as an Artist, Advice for Creatives
Making a Living as an Artist “As artists, we are often regarded as people who have problems paying the rent, and our belief in this myth only adds to its truth. It may actually be the case for many artists, but this does not have to be you. Money, as it turns out, is...