The Sedona Method
The Sedona Method, a.k.a. the Release Technique
Emotional Release Therapy for transforming your Life and your Art.
– Class Audios from ongoing sessions in Benfeita, starting in January, 2025.

Photo by Jason Rosewell – at Unsplash.com
What most of us believe is ourselves is our memories, our experiences, our thoughts, our feelings, our beliefs, our attitudes…but none of that belongs to you. Because, there is no personal you. You may be the only one who hears your thoughts, but they don’t belong to you. They are simply sounds that are occurring in your head. That’s all they are. And they’re not as meaningful and significant and important as you think they are. So when you release with someone else, you forget your problems. And in doing that, they start to dissolve. If you just forgot your problems they would all disappear. The reason our problems persist is because we spend so much time and energy trying to fix them and change them, and do something with or about them…which feeds them. Life is already taking care of itself – it really is. And the more you let go, the more you discover that from your living experience.
– Hale Dwoskin
The Sedona Method - Class One
The Sedona Method - Class Two
The Sedona Method - Class Three
The Sedona Method, which appears to predate ’emotional release therapy’ per se, was created and originally taught by Lester Levenson, an ascended master from New York City, who became fully awakened in 1952. Later in life he lived and taught this emotional release method in Sedona, Arizona – hence the name of the method. His teachings were adapted by his students and evolved and changed over time. The material I cover in the course is taken from presentations of two of Lester’s students – Larry Crane, and Hale Dwoskin – in addition to some of the original teachings by Lester. – DP Smith