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Meditation for Artists and Humans

The Art of Sitting Meditation – Resources and Advice for your Practice

how to do basic meditation



After a student inquired about the way to freedom, HWL Poonja – known as Papaji – said this:

“Who told you that there is any way to freedom?[…] Where did you get this map? There is no way to freedom. ‘Way’ means you have to start from somewhere, and arrive somewhere, isn’t it? Then you need a way…there should be some distance from your location…then you need a way. So, you have [no need] to go anywhere else. So… this creation of distance is the deception of the mind. So…you forget about any way, or [about] any freedom also.

And if you do, stay wherever you are. You are not to run anywhere else. So this concept of the mind, somehow, you have to get rid of. Stay as you are, wherever you are. And, if you do, instantly you will know that you are already that, what you wanted. For millions of years searching and searching…there is no search, also. ‘Search’ is [about] something that you’ve lost. And, when you’ve not lost anything, there’s no meaning to ’search’ for any object.

So, here, you simply keep quiet…don’t stir a thought from the mind. And then you will know who you really are.”

He also said, “If you have a burning desire to be free, this alone is enough. This will burn the whole universe. If you have a burning desire for freedom, it will burn anything else, including you – your mind, and your ego, and your body. But, let it burn. And then, if something is left, you consume into this flame. And once anything enters into the fire, it becomes fire itself [….] This thought of freedom will enter into the fire itself…it is so easy, but very few people are burning to be free. Some people want this, some that, and again enter into the universe according to their own will. Let this will also burn into the fire, so that you have no will to do this or do that […] don’t be afraid of this fire […] it is love itself.”

The Art of the Mudra – hand positions to balance and empower the energy body.

How to do basic meditation with hand mudras

Understanding how to do basic meditation with hand mudras: hand mudras are effective ways to enhance one’s meditation or yoga practice, on or off the meditation cushion or yoga mat. It’s a way to put you back in balance if you’ve had a stressful day or if you need an extra boost of energy or vitality. I personally find them helpful to balance and regulate the pranic energies, to help remove deep emotional blocks, and to stay focused and grounded.

Here is a link to a page that describes some powerful mudras:

And here’s a great in depth look at mudras and how they function from World Peace Yoga School:

Note: this ebook was taken from the Vinyasa Yoga Academy website. It has been altered slightly in order to correct mistakes made in the hand images. House of Flow does not own this handbook – it is the property of World Peace Yoga School only.

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